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Our Products

Explore our range of pet health supplements designed with your furry friend in mind. Find answers to common questions about their safety, effectiveness, and more. Ensure your pet gets the care they deserve with our trusted products.

Are your products safe for all dog breeds?

Yes, our products are formulated to be safe for all dog breeds. We've designed them to cater to a wide range of dogs, from small breeds to large ones.

Can puppies have your products?

Yes, our products are safe for dogs of all ages including puppies. We have formulated our products using trusted, natural ingredients in a way that there will be no adverse impact on developing dogs.

Is it safe to use multiple Hero supplements at the same time?

Yes, it's safe to use multiple Hero supplements together, with our chews specially formulated to work alongside other supplements in our range. That being said if you're still unsure, we recommend consulting your veterinarian to ensure that the combi

How long does it take to see results?

Typically, you can expect to see noticeable results within 2 to 4 weeks. However, it can take up to 4-12 weeks for some products in our range to take full effect within your dogs body. If after a month you are seeing absolutely no results in your dog

How should I store the chews after I open them?

After opening, store the chews in a dry place at room temperature. Make sure to seal the pouch as best you can to maintain freshness.

What if my dog refuses to eat the chews?

While our chews are well-received by most dogs, we understand that preferences can vary. We're confident in our product's palatability with all pooches, backed by a 100% success rate in trials. If your dog still refuses, rest assured with our 60-day

How do I know it is safe for my dog?

Our products are crafted with all-natural ingredients and backed by clinical testing. They're also vet-approved, providing assurance of safety and quality for your beloved pet.

Are the chews safe for human consumption?

While they may not be appealing to human taste buds, our chews are harmless to humans. They're specifically designed for dogs and should not be consumed by people.

Where are the products made?

Our products are proudly made in Australia, adhering to strict regulatory standards to ensure quality and safety.

My dog is a fussy eater and won't be tricked into eating food

Our chews are formulated with effectiveness first and flavour a close second, with 94% of dogs who've tried our chews loving them. If your dog seems like they don't like their treats or refuses to eat them, first try to break it up and sprinkle it in

Are Hero supplements suitable for older dogs?

Yes, Hero supplements are suitable for dogs of all ages

How do I give Hero supplements to my dog?

Give your dog Hero supplements as a tasty treat, a high value reward or in their daily meals; the only limit is your creativity! That being said, our supplements are made to clinically informed doses so always follow the dosage instructions that righ

Can my dog take Hero supplements if pregnant?

Hero supplements are formulated for all dogs, however we recommend always consulting your vet for any nutritional advice for pregnant animals, outside of just supplementation.